Executive Pastry Chef Artis Kalsons

Fabulous People: Artis Kalsons

Executive Pastry Chef Artis Kalsons of Lotte Hotel Seattle runs the Pastry Program through the hotel and its restaurant, Charlotte Restaurant & Lounge. Chef Artis uses only the finest ingredients to demonstrate his exceptional technique, combining his passion for seasonal flavors with a contemporary approach to the classics. Learn about Chef Artis Kalsons…

Hometown: Riga, Latvia

First job: My culinary journey began in a renowned city bakery under the guidance of my uncle. Exposure to special creations during celebrations fueled my passion, and by second grade, I was set on pursuing this path. After completing high school, I eagerly enrolled in culinary school, setting the stage for the rest of my career. The rest is history.

Favorite ways to spend your free time in WA: At the end of each day, I find fulfillment in reflecting on my accomplishments. I strive to avoid idle moments, planning my activities in advance. Living in the Pacific Northwest provides numerous outdoor opportunities, whether hitting the slopes in winter or exploring scenic routes on my road bike in summer. While I enjoy working on DIY projects at home, my 3-year-old Australian Shepherd ensures I stick to a schedule.

Your biggest accomplishment and why: A significant milestone for me was completing the Portland Marathon, an achievement held by less than one percent of the world’s population, according to some sources. Whether or not the statistic holds true, being part of that exclusive group is undeniably awe-inspiring.

The biggest obstacle you overcame: One of the most challenging obstacles I conquered was the rigorous training required for marathon preparation. Adapting my lifestyle to accommodate six months of training, including weekends dedicated to 17-mile runs while balancing a full work schedule, showcased my resilience.

Someone who inspires you and why: Rather than idealizing individuals, I draw inspiration from those who achieve measurable results in business, sports or life. Focusing on tangible accomplishments helps me stay motivated without the risk of disillusionment.


Advice to someone pursuing a career path in what you do: Passion is key to success in this field. Embrace your creativity and maintain that spark; treating each day as more than just work is essential for longevity. Continuous learning is crucial—seek insights from multiple mentors, stay humble and choose mentors with strong backgrounds.

Favorite quote: “It’s not simple to be simple.” In the daily pursuit of pastry perfection, simplicity often prevails. Overthinking can dilute creativity; therefore, letting creations “speak to you” is a guiding principle to me.

Something someone would be surprised to learn about you: During my childhood in Latvia, my involvement in sports was diverse—ranging from basketball and rugby to even venturing into figure skating.

What makes someone fabulous: For me, someone who consistently makes their bed every morning is fabulous!

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