Nancy Salguero McKay

Fabulous People: Nancy Salguero McKay

Nancy Salguero McKay is the executive director of Highline Heritage Museum. The mission of the Burien-based museum (near Seattle) is to collect, preserve and tell the stories of the Highline region and its people. Learn about Nancy Salguero McKay…

Hometown: I was born in Mexico City. 

First job: Administrative assistant for the nonprofit organization, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, in Seattle. 

Favorite ways to spend your free time in WA: Trying new foods, painting, reading, kickboxing, brain/challenging games, artistic/cultural experiences, and embracing the PNW nature in any way I can.

Your biggest accomplishment and why: Being a mom! I was able to teach at UW museum studies, build an international vacation home as a family business, open a new museum and become a museum director all the while being a mom at 39-years-old. 

The biggest obstacle you overcame: I was born 80 percent deaf, I’m an immigrant and I have a brain tumor. Not allowing physical limitations stopping me to fight for my goals and dreams each day. 

Someone who inspires you and why: My loved ones and too many people to mention teach me every second to embrace life to the fullest.

Advice to someone pursuing a career path in what you do: Do it because you are passionate about it, not because you have to do it. 

Favorite quote: “It takes a village to raise a child.” (We all need each other.) –African Proverb

Something someone would be surprised to learn about you: For the first years of my life, I was unable to speak because my lack of hearing. I had my first hearing aid at 8-years-old. In 1997, when I came to the U.S. at 17 years old, I got hearing aids on both ears, allowing me to hear close to normal for the first time in my life.

What makes someone fabulous: People who embrace compassion and kindness.

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